Saturday, 18-Jan-2025, 1:00 AM
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Anyone can join the clan aslong as a you have read the terms of service and understand them, they will be found in the registration page, you first need to join this site in order to be allowed to be in our clan.

If you have any problems please visit the contact forum and your question will be answered within 48hours.
If your question hasn't been answered then use the forum and the owner will be notified of your question and that you haven't received a reply.

If you are here regarding a member of this clan being abusive please be ready to give us some proof to take action on the problem, if it is a serious message like a death threat or suicidal threat then we will have to take the matter to the police.

We will not tolerate swearing, racism, sexism etc, if you are caught then you will be banned from the site and depending on the seriousness we will report it to the police.

We do not accept hackers or gamers who lag-switch or run a lag-panel, if you are caught doing any of them you will be banned from the website and kicked from the clan permanently or until you can prove you have stopped and gotten rid of the hacks and lag-panel/switch, if you have not done that then you will have to pay a fee to be unbanned from the website.

If you are looking to talk to the owner on the PS3 he is available Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Sundays 
any questions visit the forum or the contact us page.


Added by: Owner (ccm121)

This website is about bringing gamers from all over the world together, for people to make new friends, to get the help they need from either the Clan leaders, Admin or the owners, we offer tech support and a safe and friendly environment for gamers to come and chat to other gamers, we don't allow any threatening behaviour as there are children that use this website but for the children we must monitor the messages all the time as we wont allow them to become victim of abuse, but if you are a parent we assure you that any abusive behaviour will be reported to the authorities straight away.

This site/clan is a none racist or abusive clan, we will only keep those in the clan who are nice and play the game properly and remember that it is only a game and nothing to get upset and abusive over so please if you see anyone with the clantag: STDT and they are abusive or racist then please report them to us and make sure you record the audio and send it to us in our email which you will find under the video box on the main screen and if it is really serious we will send it away to the authorities.

Also in the Registration page we require you to fill in your real name and where your from, if you use a fake name or email address your account will be removed and your IP address banned from the website permanently.

We do offer a file storage service but if you add explicit content you will be removed from the clan/website permanently but if the content is of self harm or the harm of others it will be taken seriously and sent away to the authorities.


Added by: Owner (ccm121)

We will not tolerate any bad language or explicit content being uploaded to the website and those under the age of 18 will have their message box watched in-case of any members sending explicit content or asking them to do things on webcam for them.
We will not allow anyone asking anyone for pictures, videos, webcam and so on, if anyone is caught doing so then they will be banned from the website and reported to their local authorities, when you sign up you will be redirected to the terms of service, we will be notified of those who decline them and they will not be able to sign up again unless they can show us that they wont upset your child or any other member, they will also have to show proof that they haven't got a hack platform meaning videos of their platform in games, in start menus and they will have to take a picture of their system version on PS3 and Xbox.




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